Born and raised in the Bronx, the birth place of hip hop, internationally accredited dancer/choreographer/actor, Anthony "Kanec" Carr, has shared his talent through various mediums including television, film, and stage.

He trained vigorously at New York City 's prestigious School of American Ballet, while simultaneously attending the Professional Performing Arts School (PPAS). At the age of 18, Kanec began training in hip-hop at Broadway Dance Center . Soon thereafter, he became a member of an elite group of entertainers, The Amount Boyz. His raw talent and intense technical training, in combination with his natural knack for performing and the inspiration from his fellow group members, Kanec soon found himself on pop-star, JoJo's, European and American Tours. Several movies soon followed including Step Up and Hairspray, in which he played a detention kid ("Dwayne"). From there, Kanec had the opportunity to dance for Disney star Corbin Bleu, Omarion at the Soul Train Music Awards, and Gnarls Barkley's Video "RUN" which he co-choreographed with Michael Rooney.
